About labyrinth.social

Paying for labyrinth.social

Monthly Costs

Here is some information on the current costs involved in running labyrinth.social.

Provider Service Note Cost per Month
Akamai/Linode Linode 4GB server This is the server that labyrinth.social runs on. $24.00
Akamai/Linode Linode Backup Service Nightly and weekly backups of Linode 4GB. This has come in handy more than once! $5.00
Tucows/Hover labyrinth.social domain registration $36.99/year divided by 12 $3.09
Amazon AWS S3 Storage Long term storage of images and media uploaded by labyrinth.social users, and short term storage of images and media from posts on other servers. This is a variable cost, $20/month is just an estimate. $20.00
    Total Monthly Cost $52.09

These estimates are current as of January 2024. They may change in the future.


I pay for labyrinth.social out of pocket, and am happy to do so for now, although that may not always be the case (see the Terms of Service for more on ongoing availability).

However, I welcome donations from labyrinth users (or anyone really!) to assist with the costs outlined above. For that purpose, I have set up a ko-fi page where you can make a one time or monthly donation. This is completely optional! But any help you provide is appreciated.